Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Good Friday.. I mean Good Sunday

Sunday was a fairly good day. Went to Grandma with my aunt. I was all smiling all the way. Maybe it was the weather. It was typical Sunday weather. Or maybe the songs I put on. Bryan McKnight can definitely make you feel like you're in love. Or maybe my new shirt. Or maybe just the thought of seeing my grandparents. Or maybe something else. I'm not sure but I was happy. It's good. I stayed at Grandma until it was the time for her to go to church.
My grandparents are just like what grandparents are. You know,.. whiny, grumpy, opinionated, whiny, stubborn, grumpy.. you name it. They are getting older and tend to act like a child. I guess it's just some kind of a cycle or a phase that they have to go through. But I've found no distress being around them for a long period of time. In fact, I lived with them for almost a year. I'd miss them dearly should I be away from them too long. They are loving, though. The type of grandparents who would do just about anything for us. And they give a generous amount of money for our birthdays hehe.
My grandma eyes are all sparkling when we take her to the mall. Just like a 7 years old. My grandpa loves to stay home and watch the news. He despise shopping mall. Grandma is neat and tidy. Grandpa is sloppy and happy-go-lucky. I guess opposite attracts..

Friday, August 20, 2004

Everybody needs a therapist?

I really wish for a 24-hour bakery just around the corner. I keep waking up at 2 or 3 and dying for cinnamon rolls. HBO put on Home Alone and it's a long way to December. I cant wait for Christmas. I'm actually home alone before that. Al said everybody needs a therapist. Even if they're not having problems. Maybe she's right but a friend can be a good theraphy. They may not analyze theoretically or prescript Xanax or anything but they do make you feel better. And 4 times out of 5 some will let you believe you are right no matter how wrong you are. I have one like that. But Al, she'll tell me how terribly wrong I am. And that's also good...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Staying Together For The Kids...

I love Mrs. Doubfire. I want my kids to have a nanny like her... him I mean. CNN only, more vegetable, chores, and... British accent..?! Parents don't always stay together but that doesn't mean either one of them is not good at parenting. 'Staying together for the kids..' ?! hmmmm..????

Mrs. Doubtfire: My first day as a woman and I am already having hot flashes.

Natalie: We're his goddamn kids too.
[Miranda gives Daniel a look]
Daniel: Heh heh, kids say the darnedest things.
Miranda: Any other choice phrases you'd like to teach our five year old?

Daniel: Can I see the ad? Come on, Miranda, let me see the ad, I have a right as their father.
Miranda: Anything else I can show you?
Daniel: Are you offering?
Miranda: Not any more.
Daniel: What's the change?

[Frank is making Daniel's woman costume]
Daniel: Not working. Need to grow older.
Frank: Older? You mean like Shelley Winters older or Shirley MacLaine older?
Daniel: What's the difference?
Frank: Some Scotch tape and red hair dye.

Cop: Ma'am, are you aware that it's against the law to possess animals of a barnyard nature in a residential area?
Miranda: What if you're married to one?

Miranda: I bring home a birthday cake and a few gifts; you bring home the Goddamn San Diego Zoo and I have to clean up after it.

Natalie: We're in the middle of Charlotte's Web. Who's gonna finish it?
Daniel: Grandma can finish it for you.
Natalie: But she's not as good. She doesn't do the voices, and she smells funny.
Daniel: That's the formaldehyde. That's why Granny's so well-preserved.

Mrs. Doubtfire: The only thing you'll be watching is deep CNN.

Daniel: Ever wish you could freeze frame a moment in your day, and look at it and say "this is not my life"?

Daniel: Hello, my name is Ilsa Immelmann. And I want to know, how many children do you have?
Miranda: I have two girls and a boy.
Daniel: Ah, a boy. I don't work with the males, because I used to be one.
[Miranda hangs up the phone]
Miranda: Yikes.

Miranda: Hello?
Daniel: I am job.
Miranda: I beg you a pardon?
Daniel: I... am... job.
Miranda: Do you speak English?
Daniel: I am job!
Miranda: Sorry, the position has been filled. [Hungs up]


This is a test... I'll probably remove it.