Monday, October 31, 2005


Less than 24 hours from now I'm gonna see Afif. I don't care if it's not his wake-up time yet, he has to pick me up at the airport when I arrive tomorrow morning.
But I already dread the day I'm gonna leave again :( I'll just skip that day and leave a day early...

Friday, October 28, 2005

"Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts." Charles Dickens

Monday, October 24, 2005

Couldn't Agree More

"One Thing That Really Makes Us Sober In This World Is The Sheer Cold Fact That We Can Only Do Our Best. The Rest Ya Sebagaimana Izin Allah..." Aditya Mulya

The very thought can miraculously be the source of my strength and serenity at times of near insanity.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Emergency Landing In Puerto Rico

Strange dream last night. My dreams are always weird anyway. They almost always overlap in time, people, location, happenings. Last night I was on a supposedly small airplane that all the sudden opened up to a luxurious huge ballroom and served fine dining. And then the plane had to make an emergency landing due to engines failure. Guess where my dream randomly picked an airport? An airforce base in Puerto Rico. The first two things on my mind were that Puerto Rico is a US territory so we'll be safe --Dunno where I got the idea from-- and the other was 'Isn't Ricky Martin from Puerto Rico?'. Then the pilot gathered us to give explanation of the situation but he stopped and went back to look for his manual. I thought he meant a book on 'Flying Aircraft For Dorks' but he came back with a motocycle magazine. Weird. I should go check on and see what they have to say. I don't think weird dreams have meanings tho'.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The King Himself

Afif Two years and a half. Time Flies. More here

Monday, October 03, 2005

Never Fail You

I believe all along that Friends never fail you. Always there when you're down. Always there whenever you're in need of entertainment and comfort. Always there to let you forget all your troubles. Always there to put a big smile on your face. Even to make you laugh until you come crawling down on the floor. And even when you're falling asleep, they keep going until all 4 episodes of the DVD.

I was talking about the 'Friends' series. You know Rachel, Monica, & Joey. Yeah, those stupid characters but couldn't live without them. No offense.

But come to think about it, my friends can do those role perfectly too. Only that they're not machine operated device that you can push the button when ever you need. That's why we don't break them to pieces or smash them onto the wall when we fail each other.