Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Winter Sentiment

Every other season came along and I was alright... --Mariah Carey

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Saint

Simon Templar: I am Marin Depores. I am from Spain but I am named for a Peruvian Saint, who could cure the sick, or the injured, by the laying of hands.

Simon Templar
: My name is Buro Houtenfaust. I was named for a Saint who was a very wealthy man. He had the wine, the women, the songs, the whole bit, and then inexplicably, took a vow of poverty and became a hermit. Ran off to live in the forest, in the nude.

Simon Templar
: My name is Thomas Moore. I was named after a Saint who died for his faith.

Simon Templar
: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is August Christopher. I was named for St. Augustan, who coined my favorite phrase, 'Give me chastity and give me constancy, but do not give it yet.'


: My name is...Saint Catherine. I named myself after... no particular Saint. There are actually 6 Saints by the name of Catherine. Some were Saintly by their holiness and religious perfection. Some by their mystical experiences of apparition. And some by their noble life, piety, charity, and kindness. As previously stated, no particular Saint inspired the the name 'saintcatherine'. The author of this blog --which is me-- merely enjoys The Saint as one of her favorite movies and likes the feel of pronouncing saintcatherine at the tip of her tongue.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Unintentional Self-Consciousness

My Boss gave me a mug for my birthday. The writing says

"All men are animals. But some make better pets"

I was chuckled when I read it. I couldn't help but thinking if he was beginning to be self-conscious for whatever reason. And that he was speaking on behalf of his 'kind'. Until he asked "Kok ketawa sih, lucu ya, emang artinya apa?"


Saturday, December 03, 2005

First Scraped Knee

Talked to Afif Thursday night. He told me he had tripped and fallen. His knees were scraped and bleeding. He just got back from my parents' place and ran towards the gate. That was the first time he had fallen and had a scraped knee.

"I wish I was a little girl again, because scraped knees are easier to heal than a bruised heart." --Jessica Something--

Huehuehue. It's so true. So he should be alright. Most kids if not all have scraped knee now and then. Like most people if not all have bruised heart now and then.
Anyhow, Afif should be alright. He was telling me about it all cheery and blabbering. Like he hadn't been hurt at all.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hot Chocolate Season

Every remark is always... delicious.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Overwhelming Thanksgiving

An excerpt from a forwarded email sent to me on Thanksgiving Day.

"Sahabat wanita membawakan kau kari ayam dan menggosok kamar mandimu ketika kau membutuhkan pertolongan.."

And does your laundry even when she has loads of.
And remembers your nephew too when she shops for her nieces.
And calls up your mom now and then coz she knows you're far away.
And stayed up all night to sew on sequences for the dress you were going to wear for your sister's wedding the next evening while you had a good night sleep tired from running errands.
And all the little and spesific things that make having girlfriends great.

Happy Thanksgiving Day Girlfriends... And everybody!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Token Of My Amusement

Since day one of my arrival, my 'whole entire universe' a.k.a my shoulder bag had had a 'whole different universe' in it. Besides the regular girl's must-have-dont-leave-home-cant-live-without-it items, there were wet disinfectant tissues, diapers, cartoons of chocolate milk, water bottle, miniature race car, Timezone Power Card, and amusement ride tokens. Among other. They're not there anymore now. Except for one.

A ride token came rolling out of my coin purse today as I was paying for a toast. Afif's eyes would all shine sparkling on a train or plane ride with that token. One token is all it takes to put sparkles in his eyes... and mine.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Here We Go Again

It was a fine leap from my 'normal' rythm. Although I screwed now that I'm back. A lot of cathcing up to do. Emails, all read, replied, and deleted. Late due reports, I'll get by. Account and bills, balancing. Book loan, two weeks fine --oops-- Emotional set back, uuhhmmmmm.... hanging on. And a place call office to go to every morning. Done reality check. Time to wake up.

Monday, October 31, 2005


Less than 24 hours from now I'm gonna see Afif. I don't care if it's not his wake-up time yet, he has to pick me up at the airport when I arrive tomorrow morning.
But I already dread the day I'm gonna leave again :( I'll just skip that day and leave a day early...

Friday, October 28, 2005

"Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts." Charles Dickens

Monday, October 24, 2005

Couldn't Agree More

"One Thing That Really Makes Us Sober In This World Is The Sheer Cold Fact That We Can Only Do Our Best. The Rest Ya Sebagaimana Izin Allah..." Aditya Mulya

The very thought can miraculously be the source of my strength and serenity at times of near insanity.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Emergency Landing In Puerto Rico

Strange dream last night. My dreams are always weird anyway. They almost always overlap in time, people, location, happenings. Last night I was on a supposedly small airplane that all the sudden opened up to a luxurious huge ballroom and served fine dining. And then the plane had to make an emergency landing due to engines failure. Guess where my dream randomly picked an airport? An airforce base in Puerto Rico. The first two things on my mind were that Puerto Rico is a US territory so we'll be safe --Dunno where I got the idea from-- and the other was 'Isn't Ricky Martin from Puerto Rico?'. Then the pilot gathered us to give explanation of the situation but he stopped and went back to look for his manual. I thought he meant a book on 'Flying Aircraft For Dorks' but he came back with a motocycle magazine. Weird. I should go check on astrology.com and see what they have to say. I don't think weird dreams have meanings tho'.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The King Himself

Afif Two years and a half. Time Flies. More here

Monday, October 03, 2005

Never Fail You

I believe all along that Friends never fail you. Always there when you're down. Always there whenever you're in need of entertainment and comfort. Always there to let you forget all your troubles. Always there to put a big smile on your face. Even to make you laugh until you come crawling down on the floor. And even when you're falling asleep, they keep going until all 4 episodes of the DVD.

I was talking about the 'Friends' series. You know Rachel, Monica, & Joey. Yeah, those stupid characters but couldn't live without them. No offense.

But come to think about it, my friends can do those role perfectly too. Only that they're not machine operated device that you can push the button when ever you need. That's why we don't break them to pieces or smash them onto the wall when we fail each other.

Monday, September 12, 2005

How 'Bout That...

Talked to this little guy here a while ago.

'Ai sayang Bunda Lia?'

'..., ..., ..., Ndaaaa'

Oooouuuchh... How 'bout that for a stab right through the heart.
Ow Well... I caught him in the wrong time. His mom went 'He answers no to every question now' to cheer me up.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Just To... Maybe To... Or to...

Just got back from Bandung with the grandparents and aunts. My back still hurts and I got a light headache. I need a 12-hour sleep to recharge. I wish I don't have to show up for work tomorrow --but then most probably my paycheck won't show up for me--

I was supposed to babysit for Syawal on Saturday. I had promised. But I went to BDG with the aunts and grandparents instead with the presumption that the baby was gonna come with us. But his mom decided to bring him to work with her. I felt bad. Not too much... I mean, I would always babysit for him anytime. This is probably the first time I 'left' him. Besides, I really thought he would come with us.

The two points above sums up my regular weekend. It's either the grandparents or babysitting for me. I have a pathetic social life :). If you count family get together as a social event then I definetely have a vibrant social life. I'm not complaining. My family is fun --seriously, you should meet my grandpa-- We crack up jokes all the time. And baby Syawal is too adorable not to babysit for. Just seemingly, come to think about it, that's all I do this past year. Well, I'd have a girls day out with Diva whenever opporrtunity allows --opportunity here means when her husband is out of town or has to work on weekend--. That doesn't come often either.

As for a time for me. I'd squeeze in a couple of hour to go sit in the library. They have an adjacent coffee shop now. But then it only gives me enough time to return books and checked out a couple more --never have finished an entire book at home even after an extended 3 weeks loan--.
I never seem to find time to spend a full day looking for a pair of shoes that is so me --I need a fullweek in that case ;)--. Afif also needs a new jacket. Or just to finish a Nicholas Spark in one sit. Or to have a slumber party at my place or one of the girls'. Ow... This is not an option geographically speaking :D A two-hour bubble bath coming home on Sunday, If I get home on Sunday, is all I look forward to. Put in movies, too. So... My weekend should be alright. But not too... 'social', if there is such term.

I seemed to have all the time in the world when I was in college. I didnt care much about time management back then. It's either sleep or out with the girls. And just when I know a little, there's not much time to manage. Is the clock ticking faster nowadays?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's Autumn Again

It's Autumn In New York --Ephy and I Love the movie. You should see it if you haven't-- It doesn't get any prettier than this anywhere. Pardon me if I seem to be talking about seasons only. Afterall when one season comes the other is just around the corner. Very little time to talk about everything else in life. And afterall it's my blog. I can talk about whatever pleases me ;)

Friday, September 02, 2005

Popped Up On My Mind And On My Cell

Just got off 'smsan' with Al. I dont talk to her much. Funny was, I thought about her and all the girls the whole day and really wanted to talk to them. She popped up on my cell. I got menstrual cramps which I dont usually get, a bit too much workload that I'm regularly used to, and to sum up my misery, an internal meeting until way pass my punch out time. Phheeeww.. What else do you need besides your best friends' chattering mouth and a bar of Hershey. Since both were unavailable, I had settled for a cup of tea. It's like when all else fail, there's always tea.

I know this is what you get when you choose making life elsewhere. I'm not complaining.. I'm sighing.. Ow well, Great weekend y'all..

Friday, August 26, 2005

The Truth About Love -- TOEFL Version

___ causes people to fall in love remains one of the most basic human mysteries.

A). That
B). What
C). It
D). Whom

Love is an emotion that can not be ___

A). Defined easy
B). An easy definition
C). Easily defined
D). Defining Easily

These were in my 2000 practice questions. No matter how intrigued you are to analyse the content of the sentence, try very hard not to. Stick to the structure and make your choice. You will run out of time otherwise if you think about it too long. But besides the point, If you do insist on pondering some more about this four-letter word, I have no suggestion :) Have a great weekend...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Life Doesn't Come With Instuctions

santamonica66763 : She's a good person
santamonica66763 : She deserves everything good
drum freak : But not every bad person deserves bad thing
santamonica66763 : Agree...

drum freak : Maybe for some,
drum freak : things doesn't come out like what the Cosmo said
drum freak : and it's okay to dump those magz,

drum freak : then look for another 'bible'
santamonica66763 : Hehehe... It's fun to read
santamonica66763 : Like to make Newsweek as my bible
santamonica66763 : but it lacks manual on handling life

November, 2004

Monday, August 01, 2005

Control Freak

A guy : Let me help you Ma'am
Melanie : No thank you. I can get it
A guy : No, no.. Please
Melanie : NO, really! I got it
A guy : Stupid American woman
Sammy : Mom, that guy just called you stupid
Melanie : Well I am stupid sometimes honey. But I'd rather be stupid than sorry.

Another guy : After you Ma'am
Melanie : No, after you Sir
Another guy : No, no.. I insist
Melanie : I insist more
---------------------------------------------------------------- One Fine Day

Friday, July 15, 2005

Cozy Corner & Comfy Couch...

Just add a good book and a cup of choco. And you're all set for the evening. Have a great weekend everybody!

Summer On Hold

Tony Blair inhabits a dangerous world. According to the British prime minister's trusted advisers, the planet is heating up fast. Temperatures in the northern hemisphere are rising more rapidly than at any time in the last thousand years. Hundreds of millions of people are at increased risk from flooding as sea levels rise. Changing weather patterns will exact a "heavy human and economic" cost. And mankind is, to "a greater or lesser extent," to blame.
George W. Bush is more fortunate. His world is much rosier. His advisers do not agree that global warming is underway and do not think that urgent action is called for, according to a leaked draft of the communique for the upcoming G8 summit. The Bushies went through the document and bracketed each point they took issue with. "Anything of any possible significance was between square brackets," says Tony Grayling, head of the sustainability program at the Institute for Public Policy Research, a London-based think tank. The White House hasn't commented.
Newsweek International July 11

So... What else is new?
Let's just talk about the weather and leave politics out. It is raining here infact . And it's July. You can say the weather is weird. It's should be summer by now. Good thing about summer is that it's two seasons away to winter.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Logic On Leave

My logic was on a break anyway. My left brain refused to function. It decided to take a long vacation after some years of overwork. Ow well...No biggie.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Afif Naya Kiss

Afif Naya Kiss
Afif Naya Kiss,
originally uploaded by St. Catherine.

My baby boy didn't know what to do when a girl kissed him... Cute :) I think Naya knows her way around boys early on.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Oo...By The Way...

Happy Birthday... To the Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave. Whatever good for you is good for the world. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Question Of Abnormality

'When a man is tired of London, He is tired of Life..' Samuel Johnson.
When a man is tired of Jakarta, he's normal. Well...depends on what kind of living do you have in mind. Then we can question abnormality.. Just where ever you are, life is what you make it. Right?... Wrong?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Untamed Heart

Adam: I am not very good with people.
Adam: Do you like music, Caroline?
Caroline: Mmm. That's the first time I heard you say my name. It sounded... nice.
Adam: Would you like to listen to my records Caroline?... Caroline.
Caroline: What's your dog's name?
Adam: I don't know. He never told me.
[During her beauty exam]
Caroline: Lady, I'm not butchering your hair! It's a free haircut so stop your bitching before I cut it all off, you fat cow!
Caroline: First guy to walk out of my life, definetly not the last. Funny things, you and me. You always stayin' away from love, me always chasin' after it.
Caroline: My life is like watching The Three Stooges in Spanish!
Cindy: It's not right to feel shitty this time of year, but everybody does. It's like this is life and once you go through it long enough you realize what the flavor is. And it sure ain't vanilla!
Adam: I follow you home...
Caroline: You follow me home?
Adam: I wasn't finished.
Caroline: Finish.
Adam: I follow you home to make sure you're... safe.
Caroline: Well I never see you.
Adam: I stay pretty far behind. I'm sorry.
Caroline: Well, I mean, don't be sorry... I just...
Adam: I wasn't finished.
Caroline: Finish.
Adam: I am sorry I was late that night.
Caroline: I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?
Adam: I wonder if you think about me.
Caroline: Of course I think about you!
Adam: I wasn't finished!
Caroline: Finish.
Adam: I wonder if you think about me half as much as I think about you.
Caroline: I have fallen...
Adam: Are you hurt?
Caroline: I wasn't finished.
Adam: Finish.
Caroline: I have fallen so in love with you, so much more than I said I would.
Caroline: He don't make sense, I don't make sense, together we make sense.
Adam: I love hockey.
Caroline: You didn't even know what a power-play was.
Adam: I know. But next time you can tell me.
Adam: You are my peace.
Adam: You just wished on a planet.
Caroline: Figures.
Caroline: He was like an angel, you know? I never knew life could be like that. He was the one thing I followed through in my life, the one thing I didn't give up on. I was good at loving him.
Caroline: Magic records and a baboon heart...
Caroline: What did the doctor say?
Adam: That I'm not allowed to stick knives in my stomach.
Caroline: Adam your heart is diseased! You need a new one.
Adam: But this is my heart! I'm afraid that if they take it away I won't be able to love you the same. Caroline: You don't really love with your heart, it's just a saying. You love with your mind and soul, not you heart.
Adam: [Touching his chest] Then how come I hurt here when you're not with me?

Too lame..? Too bad... bite me...I've seen it hundreds of times ( Ok, I'm exaggerating ).

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Think Jakarta...

NBC Nightly News
Congested South: As millions of Americans move South in search of the "good life," they're dealing with a big city problem: Traffic. Don Teague reports tonight from Atlanta, where commuters are coping with congestion, construction, big trucks and bad drivers.

:) they haven't seen nothing yet...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Making Conversation...Talking About The Weather

Lovely morning! Cloudy, my kinda weather. I even forgot to brush my hair leaving for office :) Like, who cares about bad hair day when it's beautiful outside. Thank God for the shampoos nowadays, they leave your hair untangled :) Anyway, talking about weather,... Amazing how the weather can clear out instantly after a storm. Ofcourse, the contrary applies when it comes to human moods... If you know what I mean.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Cup Of Water

Originally uploaded by
St. Catherine.
The idea of romantic things in life..., besides winter ofcourse. Too solitary? Tell me about it..hhuummpphh. Can't help my taste. Take it as a different point of view if you dont agree with me. Just dont conclude anything :) I just so happen to like them. By the way, all these were taken by Beyondsky and posted without permission. Oh well, not that I'm using them commercially anyway. So here they are... Click for more...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A Fine Idea

Talking about hazelnut coffee... A cup of espresso and a slice of cheese cake is a fine idea this time of the day...

Friday, February 25, 2005

Sound Of Winter?!?!

Was browsing by people's blog and noticing people have started to welcome Spring. Me never want Winter to end. The serenity of watching the falling snow in stillness, not of motion, but of sound. It's like there's a kind of hush, borrowing a song title. Should have a picture to illustrate but as you know.. I lost my Hello. Ok, I dont wanna bring it up again. It's too painful..!?!?!? :) Suddenly want a sprinkle of cinnamon on my hazelnut coffee.. Sooo Winter...

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


If you play with fire, you will get burnt. If you play with paper, you will get papercut. I get that almost everyday now working with load of paper. A slight cut all over my hands. Most likely I will find out that I just got another one in the shower. You know how cuts are with soap.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Limited Access

Not only did the IT guys at the office ban Friendster and Yahoo Messenger, they also have taken away my privilege as the administrator of my station due to the excessive download of...porns! Let me remind you that my station is public. Anybody at my departement can log in to it using their own account or mine. I have no way of knowing who has used my pc but I know someone has misused it when the virus scan keeps popping up detecting trojans. But what has made it all the more miserable for me is that Hello has been deleted so I can no longer post picture to my blog :( And I cant re-install it. They have to reinstate my access. I'm gonna bomb the IT Dept. and shoot those editors... While I'm at it, you guys have a great day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Baby Afif & Me

This was written early January. I spent New Year with my family and friends in Makassar. It was alright. The bye-bye part with Ai was a bit of a drag. But not until the take off. I always intent to appear strong and tough in front of people. There he was holding a yellow race car toys and looking up at me as I was ready to give him my good-bye hug. I couldnt stand the look on his face. 'Da..da..NdaLia'. On the plane, the gentleman sat beside me was kind enough to distract my attention by keep making conversation. He noticed I was breaking down. I thanked him but never got to know his name. During his succesful effort to make me feel better, He was very resourseful on Malaysian goverment structure. I mean, what else would we talk about, we just met. He also said, if you are away from home you should be extra extra tough. He was talking to the toughest girl :) on planet earth who was all falling apart to pieces looking out the dissapearing blinking city and car lights way up from the plane window trying to spot one light. The light of her universe :(. I should've not taken the window seat. Anyway, I got snap shots of Ai and me. He just got his head shaved. He was refusing the scissor, or whatever the tool is the barber used, touching his head until the buzzer moved up and down his head and imitated a running car. Little boys and cars, go figure. Mind me saying that He is the most adorable little creature brought into my life. Not because He's mine, but because it's so true. I've gotten better without him though. The first days I was ever away from Him, I remember six months ago in a grocery trying so hard to fight back the tears only from brushing by the baby socks alley.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

New Office

The view of downtown Jakarta from my office window is quite fascinating. Not the beauty, but the jam-packed traffic and the irregular pattern of the buildings and streets. From 17th floor, I can see all the way across town. Since moving into the new office, we have 500% ( yes, 500% ) more work to do. It doesnt take 10 minutes for me to fall asleep when my head touches the pillow. Home at 8, in bed by 9. I used to feel sorry for those whose jobs are holding them after office hour. They may now welcome me to the club. It feels more and more like 'having a job' and actually have works to be done that is related to my occupation. You know, besides books, blogging, lounging, and all the fun stuff I got to do before. Is that my cue?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Beautiful Mind

Nash : There could be a mathematical explanation for how bad that tie is.
Alicia : It's called "life," John. Activities available; just add meaning.
Alicia : I need to believe, that something extraordinary is possible.
Alicia : God must be a painter. Why else would we have so many colors?
Nash : Find a truly original idea. It is the only way I will ever distinguish myself. It is the only way I will ever matter.
Nash : Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data.
Alicia : How big is the universe?
Nash : Infinite.
Alicia : How do you know?
Nash : I know because all the data indicates it's infinite.
Alicia : But it hasn't been proven yet.
Nash : No.
Alicia : You haven't seen it.
Nash : No.
Alicia : How do you know for sure?
Nash : I don't, I just believe it.
Alicia : It's the same with love I guess.
Nash : I've gotten used to ignoring them and I think, as a result, they've kind of given up on me. I think that's what it's like with all our dreams and our nightmares, Martin, we've got to keep feeding them for them to stay alive.
Nash : I've made the most important discovery of my life. It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You're the only reason I am... you're all the reasons I am.
Nash : Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Take The World And Give It Your Own Name!

I'm not too crazy about New Year. It's just a term referring the new period of the earth circulating the sun. Is it? A bit late, was gonna post this for the occasion, but anyway... It's from my fave movie, Wedding Planner. The scene, Mary was home from work, opened the door to her apartment, hang the keys on the hook, put her bag on the foyer desk,... not important. Singing this sort of pumping up the spirit. Like you can take the world and give it your own name.

In Good Time

We can make believe/That everything makes sense/And there's no need to worry now/Coz' you're not like all the rest.../Living with only your heart/A new day arrives & its only the start/Of Something already here/The sky's open up/And its perfectly clear.../It's all waiting for you/You can take the world/And give it your own name/It's all there waiting for you/No matter what you find/You will never be the same.../Smile for the picture man dear/Its another day, another dream, ANOTHER NEW YEAR/And who knows what you'll find/But it's all comin' round/All in good time.../When you're standing alone/Facing the darkness/I did know /I know your light will never fade away/You will always be the one to shine...In good time. Jessica Sheely

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

So What Is It?

If it's because of his/her eyes or his/her lips or his/her great body,
It's not love, it's LUST.
If it's because of his/her intelligence and practicality and insights about life,
It's not love, it's ADMIRATION.
If it's because he/she cries every time you try to leave,
It's not love, it's PITY.
If it's because he/she makes you forget to eat and sleep and study,
It's not love, it's INFATUATION.
If it's because he/she seems to be too weak to stand on his/her own,
It's not love, it's CONCERN.
If it's because he/she looks like your ex,
It's not love it's TRANSFERENCE.
If you can lay down your life for him/her,
It's not love, it's HEROISM.
Love is when you do not know why you seem to be attracted to a certain person love has its reason that reason cannot understand...

Hehehe. Puzzled? Join the club. This has made it all the more complicated, given that no definition has ever been accepted by my tangled and complex comprehension of 'the big word'. Or maybe you don't need to define it. Some people do last a lifetime without ever defining what love is. Or maybe it's not always the first on the list. Like.. people can get by without it. So what's the fuss?

Monday, January 17, 2005


People seem to have theories on how to reach happiness and live life succesfully. At the end it's all about technicalities..

Friday, January 14, 2005

A Lot To Talk About

Tuesday on NBC Nightly News ( 01/12/05 ) with Brian Williams:
What's up with Mother Earth? ... from the deadly tsunami in Southeast Asia to record rainfall in California and 70-degree January days in New York City, the world's climate seems to have taken an unexpected turn. NBC's Kerry Sanders talks to an earth scientist to find out what's happening. Is it all some sort of warning sign from our planet?

Can you tell I have a lot to talk about?

Friday, January 07, 2005

No Sign Of Life

Almost a month without a single post. I'm a disgrace to the blogging world. I'll see you guys in a bit. .